Anyone remember those assessment and aptitude tests you’d take in school? You know, the ones that are supposed to predict your future career or provide direction as you enter high school and beyond? It’s been a while, so I’m not sure if these are currently administered. I’m not sure they should be, but I’ll still share my positive experience with the aforementioned test to this very selective audience. My results indicated a career in math/science. I enjoyed those subjects and agreed with this part of the evaluation. I also, however, had a passion for writing. I loved poetry and wrote poems, stories, and journaled my entire life up to that point (14 whole years!!). I felt conflicted when I had to submit a paper on the recommendations and wrote “I like math and science. I also like writing and poetry. I know I can’t do both, so I’ll pursue engineering. That’s more practical.” Written like a true engineer, if I’m being honest. We had a student teacher at the time. In response to my report, she wrote “Do both. :)” Thank you to my teacher for her impactful words, and thank you to all the educators encouraging our kids to do both!
In the moment, I probably rolled my eyes like teenagers do and followed the specific albeit arbitrary recommendation of this test. I ultimately got a degree in chemical engineering. I worked in the manufacturing industry for 6 years before hanging up my steel-toed shoes to be a stay-at-home mom. I’m not sure I thought much about that moment in 8th grade during that time; however, recently I’ve been inspired to “do both”. Call it the magic of the farm. The child-like and whimsical experience of Christmas. I remembered these simple yet crucial words of advice and I went for it. I wrote a children’s book. I always wanted to be a writer, but it wasn’t until the farm that I thought about writing a picture book for a young audience. Again, I think the farm brings out the kid in everyone. Many of you have learned about and supported the launch of our book, Gnarly the Christmas Tree. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Our approach to the 2024 season is also about doing both – we are closed to the public for tree sales AND we are available to sell merchandise, copies of Gnarly, syrup from K&L Maple Syrup, wreaths from Joyful Greens, and boughs. We’ll even break the theme and introduce a third option – simply stop by to catch up over a cup of hot chocolate. We’ll be at the farm the weekend after Thanksgiving – November 29, 30, and December 1 from 10:00-3:00. If a visit isn’t possible, we added “Merchandise” and “Gnarly” tabs to our website. Feel free to browse and order online!
We also have 2 non-farm events coming up in November. The Book Store in downtown Appleton will be selling Gnarly the Christmas Tree as well as hosting yours truly to sell and sign books on November 9 from 1:00-3:00. Please come say hi! On November 19, I’ll be chatting with WFRV Local 5 LIVE at around 9:00 am about our beloved Gnarly the Christmas Tree book. Feel free to do both – stop at The Book Store and tune in to WFRV!
As I'm concluding this blog post, I do want to clarify something. By doing both, it doesn’t mean doing more. At least not anymore. We can all do both – watching and playing. Working and waiting. Responding and growing. Acting and changing. Moving and healing. We can do both simultaneously, or years apart from one another. Whatever that looks like... Go ahead, do both.

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